Past Blogs

Continuum Achieves 30% Growth in TV Impression Delivery Amid Industry Headwinds
Innovative TV Platform Efficiencies and Exchange Model Adoption Drive Success Despite Linear TV Viewership Declines

Continuum Welcomes Industry Vet Becky Lofstrom to Lead New Managed Service Platform
Continuum Media Welcomes Industry Veteran Becky Lofstrom to Lead New Managed Service Platform

Continuum Media Welcomes Roxanne Geyer to Manage CTV Relationships
Roxanne Geyer joins the Continuum team to lead CTV efforts.

Value as a Constant
Some buyers look to media-efficiency platforms when the market is tight.

We Are What We Are
A wise man once said., “I am what I am, and I ain’t what I ain’t”. What we are is a nimble and conscientious Managed Service Platform.

Thousand Dollar Saddle on a Fifty Dollar Horse
The Big Game is the most expensive program on TV, and for good reason.